Let's Reflect on 2020 (Journal Prompts)

In a year where SO MUCH has been out of our control, I’d love for us to focus on the parts of 2020 that we’ve had some level of control over. If you’ve worked with me as a coach or if you’ve been around me for a while, you’ll know i’m annoyingly optimist and always looking for a way to reframe a situation. You’ll find lots of “fuck 2020” messaging all over the place these days, but today, I want to focus on the GROWTH that has come along the challenges this year.

Personally, this has been a year where I’ve finally committed to many things. One of them being my journaling practice. Though I’m not journaling every single day, I have found that once or twice a week has been incredibly helpful. I’m all about self-awareness as a tool for self-love, and journaling is a great way to know ourselves. 

Even before this wild year, I’ve always made a commitment to myself to reflect on the year that’s passed. I usually do a list with the best and another one with the worst of the year. I usually burn the list of the worst as a ritual on the 31st of December at night. And then I set intentions for the year ahead. 

This year, though, I’m sitting with some bigger questions on the days before New Years Eve, in order to reeeeally set the mood for the new year and to set intentions aligned to what I truly want (it’s been years since my intention has been “lose weight” lol fuck thaaaat!). Keep your eyes peeled for a second blog post about a fun way of setting intentions for the year ahead.

SO. I’m sharing these journaling prompts with you, in hopes that you, too, can see the flowers through the cracks, and recognize this year for what it’s been as a whole. 

Because life is not black and white, and if anything, 2020 brought many lessons. So grab a pen and paper, and approach this with honesty and most importantly, self-compassion.

PS. If you’re not comfortable grabbing a pen and paper and reflecting on paper, maybe try answering these prompts on your computer! And if even that seems overwhelming, use these as a conversation starter with friends, family or whoever’s up for a deep convo hehe


1. What have I learned about myself this year? 

2A. If I had to describe 2020 in one word, it would be…

2B. What’s the second word that came to mind?

3. How could I have made this year better for myself?

4. How did 2020 challenge me? How did it help me grow?

5. The best things that happened to(/for) me this year were:

6. What lessons did 2020 leave me with?

7. What am I leaving behind in 2020?

Hope you enjoy these prompts for self-reflection! And I hope you have a lovely end of the longest year ever hehe

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